TSXPO this weekend in Brisbane

16 07 2010


 This weekend is the annual TSXPO at the RNA showgrounds in Brisbane. Great event to get to and see what Education Providers can offer you. You will for the first time see our company; StudyFinder, there. We are excited about this opportunity to showcase our business and the awesome service we can offer to students who want to simplify their searching for courses and understanding their study options.

We are expecting thousands and thousands of visitors over the weekend, you can see our exhibitor listing on www.tsxpo.org and also we are advertising it on our own website: www.studyfinder.com.au

Talking about courses we are everyday loading up new courses across multiple areas of study in many locations right across Australia.

If you have a spare 10 mins and want to head on down and have  a chat to us, please come down.

 See you then, keep an eye out on regular posts occurring during the event and also follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/studyfinder1

Come see us at the TSXPO 2010 in Brisbane.

9 07 2010

Hello current or potential students of Queensland.

On the 17th and 18th July 2010 the annual TSXPO will be on at the RNA Showgrounds, it is also our first year for StudyFinder to be exhibiting at this prestigious event. We thought we would blog about this and more when the event is on to highlight the importance of events like this.

If you have a few spare hours and thinking about what course to do for 2010 or the start of 2011 head on down to the RNA showgrounds in the Valley, Brisbane. Plenty of Universities, TAFES, Private Colleges and Education support networks and associations to help you with finding the course.

As this will be our first time showing we are excited to meet each and every one of you at the show. If you’re at the expo, come and say hi and tell us about what you’ve studied or want to study and what career paths you’re interested in. We would be more than happy to provide you with some guidance on what your options are and provide advice on courses, institutes and pathways that will get you on track to achieving your goal.

In the meantime why don’t you jump onto our website: www.studyfinder.com.au  to view and search for courses within your Area of Interest across many locations around Australia.

For more information visit: www.tsxpo.org.au


See you there!